We’ve got some exciting news! The latest endeavour to expand our organization is the construction of a brand-new music room built in-studio! What started as a dream back in the early days of the pandemic, has now become a reality that is really, truly, definitely happening next week. The construction of the music room marks … Read more
Can anyone else believe that it’s almost February of 2023? Neither can we! There’s been so much going on in the studio that we thought we would update you on some of the new programming we have coming up here in the studio. Spaces are filling up quickly, so if something catches your eye please sign … Read more
Art with Heart Studio is the recipient of a $44,000 Community Building Fund grant. The funding is part of the Government of Ontario’s $105 million program to support community arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport and recreation organizations, that are experiencing significant financial pressures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.